
Need More Help?

If you have looked through the information on FYI and you're still worried, this page shows where you can access further help. The list below will help you pick which service you need to contact to get extra advice and support.

Self Care 

If you would like a bit of extra support or have a question about your own health, you can contact us:

If you live in Norfolk:

Call: Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 (8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat)

Text: ChatHealth Norfolk on 07480 635060 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri)

If you live in Waveney:

Call: The Suffolk School Nursing service on 0345 607 8866

Email: childrenshealth@suffolk.gov.uk


Pharmacists can advise you about how to treat minor illnesses at home. There are some simple medications that you can buy at a pharmacy which may help with minor illnesses.

A pharmacist can give you information about what is suitable for your age. If you are under the age of 16, the pharmacist may want to speak to a parent or carer. 

GP Surgery

If you are worried about a non urgent minor illness or injury, you can call your GP surgery for help and advice. 

Call NHS 111

If you are worried about a more urgent injury (but NOT life threatening), and your GP is not open, you can call 111 for advice or visit 111 online.

The 111 telephone number is open 24 hours a day, every day, and can direct you to where to go for the right treatment. 

Urgent Mental Health Support

24/7 immediate advice, support and signposting for people with mental health difficulties in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Call: 111 and select the mental health option

Call 999

For life threatening medical emergencies call 999.

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