
Teeth & Toothbrushing

Your teeth are made up of dental tissues and covered in a hard enamel to protect them from the things you eat and drink. They're an important part of the digestive system and it's important to keep them healthy to avoid things like bad breath and toothache. 

You can help to look after your teeth with a good oral (mouth) hygiene routine and regular visits to the dentist. To keep your teeth in tip-top condition and avoid tooth decay, you should:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste – spit after brushing and do not rinse

  • Clean inbetween your teeth every day using floss or interdental brushes

  • Use sugar-free medicines

  • Have regular dental check-ups (your dentist will be able to advise you about how often you need to go)

Find out the facts about tooth decay here

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All You Need to Know

Who Can Help?

Oral Health Foundation is a UK based charity offering advice and guidance about oral hygiene and dental problems. 

The NHS website offers advice and support in finding a UK based dentist near you. Call NHS 111 for out of hours dental advice and guidance. 

ChatHealth is a secure NHS approved text messaging service. All Norfolk young people aged 11–19 can text 07480 635060 where a trained professional will answer your questions and offer confidential support and advice.

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